= ConstitutionMod + Proficiency + Item
Fortitude saving throws allow you to reduce the effects of abilities and afflictions that can debilitate the body. They use your Constitution modifier.
- Untrained (+0)
- Trained (+2)
- Expert (+4)
- Master (+6)
- Legendary (+8)
[FortitudeProficiency:: 2]
[FortitudeItem:: 0]
= DexterityMod + Proficiency + Item
Reflex saving throws measure how well you can respond quickly to a situation and how gracefully you can avoid effects that have been thrown at you. They use your Dexterity modifier.
- Untrained (+0)
- Trained (+2)
- Expert (+4)
- Master (+6)
- Legendary (+8)
[ReflexProficiency:: 2]
[ReflexItem:: 0]
= WisdomMod + Proficiency + Item
Will saving throws measure how well you can resist attacks to your mind and spirit. They use your Wisdom modifier.
- Untrained (+0)
- Trained (+2)
- Expert (+4)
- Master (+6)
- Legendary (+8)
[WillProficiency:: 4]
[WillItem:: 0]
= WisdomMod + Proficiency + Item
Perception measures your ability to be aware of your environment. Every creature has Perception, which works with and is limited by a creature’s senses. Whenever you need to attempt a check based on your awareness, you’ll attempt a Perception check. Your Perception uses your Wisdom modifier.
- Untrained (+0)
- Trained (+2)
- Expert (+4)
- Master (+6)
- Legendary (+8)
[PerceptionProficiency:: 2]
[PerceptionItem:: 0]
= DexterityMod + Proficiency + Item + Armor
Acrobatics measures your ability to perform tasks requiring coordination and grace. When you use the Escape basic action, you can use your Acrobatics modifier instead of your unarmed attack modifier.
- Untrained (+0)
- Trained (+2)
- Expert (+4)
- Master (+6)
- Legendary (+8)
[AcrobaticsProficiency:: 0]
[AcrobaticsItem:: 0]
[AcrobaticsArmor:: 0]
= IntelligenceMod + Proficiency + Item
Arcana measures how much you know about arcane magic and creatures. Even if you’re untrained, you can Recall Knowledge.
- Untrained (+0)
- Trained (+2)
- Expert (+4)
- Master (+6)
- Legendary (+8)
[ArcanaProficiency:: 2]
[ArcanaItem:: 0]
= StrengthMod + Proficiency + Item + Armor
Arcana measures how much you know about arcane magic and creatures. Even if you’re untrained, you can Recall Knowledge.
- Untrained (+0)
- Trained (+2)
- Expert (+4)
- Master (+6)
- Legendary (+8)
[AthleticsProficiency:: 2]
[AthleticsItem:: 0]
[AthleticsArmor:: 0]
= IntelligenceMod + Proficiency + Item
You can use this skill to create, understand, and repair items. Even if you’re untrained, you can Recall Knowledge.
- Untrained (+0)
- Trained (+2)
- Expert (+4)
- Master (+6)
- Legendary (+8)
[CraftingProficiency:: 2]
[CraftingItem:: 0]
= CharismaMod + Proficiency + Item
You can trick and mislead others using disguises, lies, and other forms of subterfuge.
- Untrained (+0)
- Trained (+2)
- Expert (+4)
- Master (+6)
- Legendary (+8)
[DeceptionProficiency:: 2]
[DeceptionItem:: 0]
= CharismaMod + Proficiency + Item
You influence others through negotiation and flattery.
- Untrained (+0)
- Trained (+2)
- Expert (+4)
- Master (+6)
- Legendary (+8)
[DiplomacyProficiency:: 2]
[DiplomacyItem:: 0]
= CharismaMod + Proficiency + Item
You bend others to your will using threats.
- Untrained (+0)
- Trained (+2)
- Expert (+4)
- Master (+6)
- Legendary (+8)
[IntimidationProficiency:: 2]
[IntimidationItem:: 0]
= WisdomMod + Proficiency + Item
You can patch up wounds and help people recover from diseases and poisons. Even if you’re untrained in Medicine, you can use it to Recall Knowledge.
- Untrained (+0)
- Trained (+2)
- Expert (+4)
- Master (+6)
- Legendary (+8)
[MedicineProficiency:: 0]
[MedicineItem:: 0]
= WisdomMod + Proficiency + Item
You know a great deal about the natural world, and you command and train animals and magical beasts. Even if you’re untrained in Nature, you can use it to Recall Knowledge.
- Untrained (+0)
- Trained (+2)
- Expert (+4)
- Master (+6)
- Legendary (+8)
[NatureProficiency:: 0]
[NatureItem:: 0]
= IntelligenceMod + Proficiency + Item
You know a great deal about ancient philosophies, esoteric lore, obscure mysticism, and supernatural creatures. Even if you’re untrained in Occultism, you can use it to Recall Knowledge.
- Untrained (+0)
- Trained (+2)
- Expert (+4)
- Master (+6)
- Legendary (+8)
[OccultismProficiency:: 0]
[OccultismItem:: 0]
= CharismaMod + Proficiency + Item
You are skilled at a form of performance, using your talents to impress a crowd or make a living.
- Untrained (+0)
- Trained (+2)
- Expert (+4)
- Master (+6)
- Legendary (+8)
[PerformanceProficiency:: 0]
[PerformanceItem:: 0]
= WisdomMod + Proficiency + Item
The secrets of deities, dogma, faith, and the realms of divine creatures both sublime and sinister are open to you. You also understand how magic works, though your training imparts a religious slant to that knowledge. Even if you’re untrained in Religion, you can use it to Recall Knowledge.
- Untrained (+0)
- Trained (+2)
- Expert (+4)
- Master (+6)
- Legendary (+8)
[ReligionProficiency:: 0]
[ReligionItem:: 0]
= WisdomMod + Proficiency + Item
You understand the people and systems that make civilization run, and you know the historical events that make societies what they are today. Further, you can use that knowledge to navigate the complex physical, societal, and economic workings of settlements. Even if you’re untrained in Society, you can use it for the following general skill actions.
- Untrained (+0)
- Trained (+2)
- Expert (+4)
- Master (+6)
- Legendary (+8)
[SocietyProficiency:: 2]
[SocietyItem:: 0]
= DexterityMod + Proficiency + Item
You are skilled at avoiding detection, allowing you to slip past foes, hide, or conceal an item.
- Untrained (+0)
- Trained (+2)
- Expert (+4)
- Master (+6)
- Legendary (+8)
[StealthProficiency:: 0]
[StealthItem:: 0]
[StealthArmor:: 0]
= WisdomMod + Proficiency + Item
You are adept at living in the wilderness, foraging for food and building shelter, and with training you discover the secrets of tracking and hiding your trail. Even if you’re untrained, you can still use Survival to Subsist.
- Untrained (+0)
- Trained (+2)
- Expert (+4)
- Master (+6)
- Legendary (+8)
[SurvivalProficiency:: 0]
[SurvivalItem:: 0]
= WisdomMod + Proficiency + Item
You are trained in a particular set of skills favored by thieves and miscreants.
- Untrained (+0)
- Trained (+2)
- Expert (+4)
- Master (+6)
- Legendary (+8)
[ThieveryProficiency:: 0]
[ThieveryItem:: 0]
[ThieveryArmor:: 0]
Lore: Academia
= IntelligenceMod + Proficiency + Item
- Untrained (+0)
- Trained (+2)
- Expert (+4)
- Master (+6)
- Legendary (+8)
[LoreAcamediaProficiency:: 2]
[LoreAcamediaItem:: 0]