

  • [Name:: Beetle]
  • [Age:: 70]
  • [Gender:: Male]
  • [Alignment:: CG]
  • [Diety:: ]



  • [Ancestry:: Gnome]

  • [AncestryHP:: 8]

  • [Size:: Small]

  • [Speed:: 25 feet]

  • Ability boosts: Constitution, Charisma, Free

  • Ability Flaws: Strength

  • Languages: Common, Gnomish, Sylvan

  • Additional Languages: equal to your Intelligence modifier (if positive)

  • Low-light vision — You can see in dim light as though it were bright light, and you ignore the concealed condition due to dim light.Feat

  • Humanoid — Humanoid creatures reason and act much like humans. They typically stand upright and have two arms and two legs.Trait

  • Gnome — A creature with this trait is a member of the gnome ancestry. Gnomes are small people skilled at magic who seek out new experiences and usually have low-light vision.Trait


  • Fey — Creatures of the First World are called the fey.Trait


[Background:: Academy Dropout]

You were enrolled at a prestigious magical academy, but you’ve since dropped out. Maybe there was a momentous incident, maybe you had to return to other responsibilities, or perhaps it was just too much for you. Whatever the case, your exit from the academy has shaped your life as much as your entrance and led you to a life of adventure.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in Arcana and Academia Lore. You gain the Dubious Knowledge skill feat.

  • Dubious Knowledge — You’re a treasure trove of information, but not all of it comes from reputable sources. When you fail (but don’t critically fail) a Recall Knowledge check using any skill, you learn the correct answer and an erroneous answer, but you don’t have any way to differentiate which is which. This can occur as not knowing something is significant, but not whether it’s good or bad.Feat


[Class:: Sorcerer]

You didn’t choose to become a spell-caster — you were born one. There’s magic in your blood, whether a divinity touched one of your ancestors, a forebear communed with a primal creature, or a powerful occult ritual influenced your line. Self-reflection and study allow you to refine your inherent magical skills and unlock new, more powerful abilities. The power in your blood carries a risk, however, and you constantly face the choice of whether you’ll rise to become a master spell-caster or fall into destruction.

  • Blood Magic — Whenever you cast a bloodline spell using Focus Points or a granted spell from your bloodline using a spell slot, you gain a blood magic effect. If the blood magic offers a choice, make it before resolving the spell. The blood magic effect occurs after resolving any checks for the spell’s initial effects and, against a foe, applies only if the spell is a successful attack or the foe fails its saving throw. If the spell has an area, you must designate yourself or one target in the area when you cast the spell to be the target of the blood magic effect. All references to spell level refer to the level of the spell you cast.Feat

  • [ClassHP:: 6]

  • Key ability: Charisma


Trained in Perception.

Saving throws

Trained in Fortitude.
Trained in Reflex.
Expert in Will.


Trained in one or more skills determined by your bloodline.
Trained in a number of additional skills equal to 2 plus your Intelligence modifier.


Trained in simple weapons.
Trained in unarmed weapons.


Untrained in all armor.
Trained in unarmored defence.


Trained in spell attack rolls of your spell-casting tradition, as indicated by your bloodline.
Trained in spell DCs of your spell-casting tradition, as indicated by your bloodline.