My evolved-over-time theme for this year is reading. Which I did. Shockingly well. I’ve already increased by Goodreads goal from 10 to 25 books this year, and, most probably, will do that again. (He said being on 24/25.) 25 books will be the most books I’ve ever read in any calendar year and I’m impressed with myself.

In live there are no wins; there are only trade-offs. With more books, this year, also came — there are probably other areas I’ve neglected, but this is the most obvious for me — less of blogging. Blogging is something I genuinely enjoy doing; I enjoy writing about technical subjects I find interesting.

Finding new topics to write about is not easy. Generally, I found out that my writing backlog is directly proportional to the amount of time I spend onHackerNews andLessWrong.

Topics is one thing, the other is the ungodly amount of hours I need to write a blog post that has a chance to appear on link aggregators. With technical subjects it takes more time to do research, rather than writing itself.

Summer is ending. Another Golden Polish Autumn is near. It’s time to think about the next theme. I want to make it blogging; to write more about things I find interesting — even in short-form, like this one — and learn about what’s new in technology.

Photo by Isakov Eldiiar on Unsplash.